
Swells of past. Gone. Man it was fun though wasn't it? Hope everyone got their stoke filled up again. I did. For an early northwester, the bars held up pretty good. Sure there were closeouts mixed in, but not as much as usual on a first good swell. Plenty o' corners and shoulders. Maybe the super high tides helped? Maybe I can finally read and predict where to go to get the maximum fun. Maybe I was just a lucky chap. Either way....fuckin' nice!
Pics from Joe Cool on the best day of last week. Look at that lump comin'. Drop in. Hey, it ain't closin' out. Pump on the big face. Stall in the section. Little drops hittin' your wetsuited back. Pump. Kick out. Smile huge. Take me back!
2.1 @ 10secs from 300
I somehow blew it this weekend...
where was that photo taken? I dig your work. where do you live?
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