Dinged Up

All my boards are dinged up. De-lammed up bottoms. EPS fishy delamed on 3/4 of the bottom. She had a sad life of only 3 or so months but she is on the mend. Heard from a dude in the know that this is happenin' with several EPS boards. They are workin' on it. Environmental change no come easy, seen? Hope they figure it out. Back to poly for now. 5'9 single. Short noserider hopefully. No power tools which is killin' me but guess it gives the feeling of "soul", whatever that is. I just love the process. No need to speed it all up. Although, I hope no one has to dig out a finbox hole with a knife and chisel. Ugly and slow but it'll do. Just take your time. And listen to some slow drippy dub to get your zone right.
Good time as any to go throw a no-board phase, lthough some heads are gettin' a little south right now. Doubt there is much of a crowd either in the dawn. Rip 'em! Not much else as far as waves and swell though so I can stay up late into the quiet night with my glassing and sanding. Resin fingers. Resin locks of hair. Co-workers looking strangely at my tinted fingers in the morning meetings. They just don't get the stoke.
1.9 @ 14secs from 205
too bad about the delams. haven't heard about it on our side. the green machine is holdin up fine and still feels like new after six months. keepin I fingers crossed seen.
snap some shot of the process for the masses to see.
Hey Pt
Left a comment for you on your 5th Sept 06 post about using one of my images without attribution.
As a courtesy, it'd be cool if you would link to my flickr site or attribute me as the photographer.
You don't need power tools although getting that poly crust off without a planer is a bitch - $50 at Harbor Freight it's great for that job. Spend 18 hours on Sway's and you might find tips for delam prevention through prior proper preparation. I'm dying to try EPS so I can glass at home.
Yeah 'Fin, I think it might have been the paint I put on the blank too? But the top isn't delaming. Weird.
And Rhys, cool shots, and I added your name already and now I'll add your website too. What is the name of your dog?
My dog? I haven't had one for a while, do I have a pic on my site somewhere of a dog?
Thanks for the attribution too.
I can relate to the dinged board syndrome...
All my boards have some damage currently...
Even worse though was this morning's discussion with my wife...
Regarding the new board I ordered that's ready...
Seems I forgot to mention it...
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