The Frogfish!
6'9"x20 1/2"x2 5/8" Mid 1970's. Shaped by Bobby Kazanis.

5'3"x20x2 3/8" Late 2008. Shaped by Pushingtide.

Frogfish. Discovered in the mid 1800's. Shaped by Mother Nature.

I know I already talked shit about this recreation. I know I said it felt kooky to ride. But I am kinda kooky too so who knows. It was still a fun experience and the ol’ board was resurrected! And it floats. I’ll take her out again in the future.
“Frogfish are small in nature. They don’t swim in a conventional way. And their camouflage is further aided by numerous warts and filaments on their skin.” -wikipedia.
Shit that sounds like my board!!! Perfect.
2.1 @ 14secs from 305
None of the aesthetics matter. Relative performance? Maybe a bit. Regardless, there's nothing better than surfing your own creation - resurrected or not. I LOVE surfing the single egg I shaped. There's a connection that exists with it that isn't there with my other ones. I'd give your fish a spin any day.
The frog fish rocks!
DIY stylin. your self reliance and dp sessions always inspire me to get off my ass. respec.
Ahh yes, a high school flashback. Froghouse/small faces logo from the 80's. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Yes Kaser. That is why the frog is in the name. Your pics were amazin' last coupla weeks by the way.
awesome, i really like how you were able to keep the frog logo on the resurrection and maintain the essence of the board. i'm in the middle of my own resurrection and cannot wait to take it out when its done.
I love that logo
Long live T.K. and his frogS! The Frog house is an amazing surf shop. It is truly a one of a kind spot.
I love your fish.
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