Back business. Weird to be dry for a week because of a small injury. Never happened before. Feel good this morn. Cold offshores. Good angled swell. Little Sunday roadtrippin'. Let the tide drop. And paddle out.
That first sweet taste of the ocean after you have been away from it is one of the best feelings.
6.1 @ 17 secs from 295 and rising
This picture is simply awesome. I wish I could say the waves were like this for me today, but they just weren't! and the water was ~42ยบ = cold toes!
I couldn't agree more with your last comment about that sweet taste of salt after you've been out for awhile.
Sounds like the back is healin' up too.
The sweet taste of salt...
A craving sated only by the real deal.
Sounds like we all got the goods...
Did you shoot that photo? Me likey.
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