Not a good change of pace

Gross. Disgusting. Pathetic. Forgot what crowds do to me. Thrown the fuck off. Too much starin’ and vibin’ and back pedalin’ even if it wasn’t directed at me. Too much droppin’ and floppin’ around. Too much yellin’ and screamin’ and ego-in’. Crowded by 6am. Super crowded by 7am. Shoulda went to my low-key spot but wanted a change of pace.
On the swell side though, it was on it! Consistent biggish sets and long long long rides. Got a couple but for the most part I would let a guy go who wouldn’t make it and it would be too late for me to go or I would go and get dropped in on. FUCK YOU. Seriously, it has been beaten to death but what the fuck is wrong with surfers at these places? How do you not look and just drop in? How do you yell at the rider in front of you when there are 3 riders behind you? FUCK YOU.
I learned my lesson. It is the middle of summer. No joy at the points. I’ll be stoked again tomorrow. By myself. Talkin’ to the local sea lion.
3.4 @ 16secs from 180
I know what you mean. I was getting vibed by some guy who was wearing a full suit at noon and who had the stink bug/power squat/donkey bail at the end of a ride routine down pat.
I feel you! I can't deal with the crowds at all. It's not so much the crowds, it's the unruly crowds. I've never had a beef in the water . . . ever. But I swear it's coming. My patience with the crowds is wearing thin.
Yeah they suck, i know everyone complains about it and I try not to but sometimes you can't help it. Especially when there are good sets and good sets are being ruined.
surfsister, i can't comment on your site. can you let me in!?
Push, comments are no longer allowed on my site. Since I wanted people to be able to read the old ones, I've left the ability to comment open. The only catch is I'm the only one who can comment.
Some people go to my other blog and leave comments there about my surf blog. Or you can just email me ( 99% of the people who commented were cool. The other 1% was personal attacks. But I didn't like that. It wasn't that I'm sensitive. I just didn't like the vibe. So, when I restarted the blogs, I decided no comments were allowed.
pass the aloha please
another crazy day out there today.
PT ranting? must be low on herb!
We've all been through that!
Crappy low-key against good world-class...
Always tempting!!!
Hope... winter is not that far away!
Push, sounds Crappy. I've gotten to the point where over 5 people on a peak is a crowd! I always settle for the lesser quality wave if there's less traffic...
Dunno how you guys do it.....
I guess i'll quit whining about how crowded it gets up here in Washington. Ain't nothing like in that pic.
Good Times.
Thx Push
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