
Damn. Humans these days. Need the most up to date state of the art shit. Need wool-lined wetsuits to rip. Need a brand new surfboard every 6 months to shred. Need the latest skate trucks to ollie. Need the latest skateboard to grind. Need a masonite half pipe to thrash.
Not these dudes back in the day. Rippin' and shreddin' on the most warped, patched together, cheapest of wood ramps. And on those boards.
If you have the love, you'll find a way. Not the other way around.
2.2 @ 12secs from 310
Well said.
Right on.
nicely put.
nicely put.
Sickness. That 2nd pic looks over-vert. Where are these from?
don't get me started.....
Ow the vert is kill!!!!!
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