Cool Bra

While checking out the details on the Cuba show tonight I noticed that Mollusk in Venice is doing something interesting. Rentin' out boards. Not beat up funboards but sweet quads and little fishies and old school logs. Mandalas, Junods, Liddles, Christensens. Boards I'd never get my hands on otherwise. Maybe even could rent a Alaya like Machado is trimmin' on above. Hmmm.
South was fun this mornin' although the super thick dense fog hid the sun from me and made me surf in the dark longer than usual. Inconsistent but good on the sets. Good walls and high speed fishin' almost alone makes any morning perfect.
2.7 @ 17secs from 195
Cant wait to get back out and live what YOU write.
surf on...
i wis Mollusk SF would do that. Sweet!
A 'brat comment! My Friday is complete!
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