Fuckin' enough. Not even the lightnin' the other day could make our beloved points work. Some small olas mixed in but for the most part I've been dry for weeks. Dings are fixed. My feet cuts are fixed. Now my stoke needs to be fixed.
1.2 @ 11 from 185
niice lightning shots push--yours i presume?
sorry, but i crave a heavy storm once a while. when i lived in Savannah they were ever-present.
here, it's a diferent story. yesterday at work i looked out the window and saw torrential downpour, for about 10 minutes, while the sun kept shining. then it was gone --POOF!!!
rob [70percent] teased me like it was a figment of my imagination.
it may have been
God those are beautiful strikes
Ooooh Maggie, I love a good storm too. Love surfin' in the rain and gray when you can't tell the difference between the ocean and the air. Not my pics unfortunately, think it they were snapped by some 'bu photog!
Cool photos!
BTW I've tried to find your contact info to suggest link swap but couldn't find it.
If you can contact me
Jesis those are great shots!
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