Good Week

Mutherfucker. Someone has been breakin' Pelican wings down in Bolsa Chica. 10 have died already. $5,000 dollar reward so please if you live down that way and know anything, spill the beans to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Is there anything more calming than watching these beautiful birds trim the waves and get most of the sets in the dawn?
"The birds targeted are new birds arriving from the Channel Islands," she said. "They are young and inexperienced and don't have a fear of humans. Because they're so hungry, they'll go right up to people."
Readin' this crap ruined a great week of slidin' and dippin' in the mornings. Fun, fairly consistent south all week. Made it 4 out of 5 of the days. First out everyday although I had to run on a couple of 'em. Crowd was "light", compared to last couple weeks at least. Even had a pleasant experience with a SUP dude. ONLY because he would take off and kinda block the others from going, so I would just paddle deep and take off behind him. He usually fell or stayed waaay out on the shoulder. Good, clear, sunny, warm full mooned mornings. Still a lil' left for the weekend although I don't have much left.
2.3 @14secs from 185
You've inspired me. I'll hire a team of SUPers to plow through the line-up, clearing the way for me.
That's terrible about the pelicans. What the hell did a pelican ever do to anyone? I mean, beside herald an incoming set?
some fucked up people around..
i was saddened to see a pelican at malibu last week with fishing line looped around his neck and wing making him unable to fly. He just floated through the lineup as everybody watched...
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