
All I surf, it seems, is rights. Long rights. Same ol' fun.
In honor of a fun left I found and surfed over the last couple of weeks I am puttin' up some goofy pics all week. Love the backside flow. Different line. Kooky feelings. Want to go right but nowhere to go. Pigdog the bottom turn to fight the big ocean wall. Less vision. Less feet movement. More speeed.
Didn't make it out to the beachie this morn. Too spent from the last couple weeks of solid swell. Looked like it coulda been fun again. Will force myself to go left all week.
9.1 @ 12 secs from 305
Didn't paddle out.
Change it up....yes.
Funny because I have the opposite problem. Well maybe it's not problem, but I am regular footed too so..... And at times it's really hard to complain about
Going backside improves my surfing, for some reason I really have to concentrate a lot more. But I could just be imagining it......glad you're getting sated, we're not.
go left young man...ride the glide on the left side slide...backside push...push and glide...enjoy, my man, the backside slide
...I surf better backhand...
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Miss Bangle. Can I meet you after surf PE?
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