Thick Foggy Love

Niiiiice. Swell still hanging on. About a 1/10 of the people.
Paddle out first in the thick, thick fog. Barely can make out the lineup points. Chesty comes thru and pump it for a long one. Get back out, another one comes, repeat nonstop.
Used my old 5'10 thruster. The Fish got injured out at the last session. Thruster is tougher to get into waves but flies and moves around a little better. Probably because it isn't homemade like my Fishy.
Two other heads join me and are mellow. Everyone trading waist to chest waves for 2 1/2 hours until I had to catch a long one in to work. Damn work.
So fun. Hope you all is scorin'.
2.6 @ 14 secs from 185-195
1st out
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